16 November, 2011

2011 SIT Update

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The proposed trail segment from Taylor's Falls to Wildwood Campground continues to move forward, with reviews for historic resouces and agreements with stakeholder agencies being completed in 2011.

Members of the Foundation met with representatives of Interstate State Park in late summer to discuss status of reviews within the State Park area. The State continues to support a trail segment within the park and is moving forward with property adjustments in coordination with the trail alignment and the City of Taylor's Falls.

Grant applications for property and easement aquistion and construction of the trail in 2013 have been made.

The Foundation has contacted key property owners between Shafer and Wildwood Campground to discuss bridging the gap between trail segments. Discussions are ongoing.

Hauling on the Swedish Immigrant Trail related to Shafer Sewer pond work was very near completion on Oct.19th. The preliminary review was very positive with little evidence of damage.

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The next Parks and Trails Foundation meeting date is November 17th, 2011 at the Lindstrom Chamber of Commerce (former Library Building) at 7:00pm. All are welcome.